How does InControl separate Local and Global domain objects?

Last modified on 11 Feb, 2021. Revision 14
How does InControl separate Local and Global domain objects?
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Objects can be created and used both locally and in the global domain, how does InControl separate them?


When we configure a Firewall in InControl and reference a object that is created in a domain there will be a tag next to the name of the object. The tag will say “inheritedfrom X” (X would be the name of the domain that contains the object)


As an example we setup a test Firewall that is part of the “Global Domain” and a sub domain called “LabDomain”. We have created 2 additional rulesets, one in each domain and when we try to reference them when we configure the Firewall we can see the tag and where they originate from as shown in the below picture.

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