Using Clavister OneConnect Classic SSL VPN client towards the OneConnect server

Last modified on 29 Jun, 2021. Revision 25
With the introduction of the OneConnect specific server in 13.00.09 there could be a bit of a confusion on which version that can be used towards what
Up to date for
cOS Core 13.00.09
Supported since
cOS Core 13.00.09
Status OK
Musab Osman & Peter Nilsson

Question: Can I use the Clavister OneConnect Classic SSL VPN Client for Windows when connecting to the OneConnect VPN Server in NetWall?


Short answer, no. Some more details:

  • If version 3 and up of the Clavister OneConnect client is used, you can only connect to the new OneConnect server that was introduced in version 13.00.09 and up of cOS Core. The reason for this is because the version 3 client uses a new protocol (OpenConnect).
    • Note: Even though OneConnect uses the OpenConnect protocol it will be customized with new functions/features causing it to deviate from the standard protocol in the future. This is only related to the Clavisters own OneConnect VPN client, customers using a third party OpenConnect client will still continue to work.
  • If version 2 and older of the Clavister OneConnect Classic client (also known as SSL VPN client depending on version) it can only connect to the old SSL VPN specific server in cOS Core (which also works for older versions of cOS Core than 13.00.09).

The OneConnect server also supports the use of third party clients that have support for the OpenConnect protocol.

Note: Not all clients have been tested so there is no guarantee that all OpenConnect supported VPN clients on the market are compatible.

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